目前分類:猛男辣妹 (298)
- Jul 27 Sun 2014 22:49
2014 2015 左永安顧問 《來自星星的你》《我們結婚了》Studio Wonkyu Taiwan負責人吳侑諺 紐約長島大學企管系
- Jul 17 Thu 2014 13:24
2014 2015 左永安顧問 2013年一二八點三萬家企業中,已有三成六企業是「女人當家」,比率創新高,顯示女力崛起。
2014 2015 左永安顧問 國家品質獎 滿意度最高 教練型輔導諮商顧問 高階零售服務業管理實務課程班第1期 中華民國唯一CMC 認證組織 CERTIFIED MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS 安永經營管理商學院 EMBA 台灣百大講師之首 職能基準 職能認證課程 共通核心職能 TTQS 人力資源 創業百萬小學堂 台灣大學 和君 品牌 創新研發中心 品質 卓越經營模式 財政部統計處統計,2013年一二八點三萬家企業中,已有三成六企業是「女人當家」,比率創新高,顯示女力崛起。企業以女性為負責人、代表人或管理人,按行業來區分,住宿及餐飲業「女人當家」的情況最多,去年住宿及餐飲業中,有四成八是女老闆,快要超過男頭家的人數;2013年公益彩券中獎共有五一五人是領走五百萬元以上彩金的中獎人, 其中男性占六成四。
- Apr 06 Sun 2014 00:18
2014 And I love you so 我摯愛你
2014 And I love you so 我摯愛你
And I love you so
The people ask me how
How I live till now
I tell them I don't know
I guess they understand
How lonely life has been
But life began again
The day you took my hand
And yes I know
How lonely life can be
The shadows follow me
And the night won't set me free
But I don't let evening get me down
Now that you're around me
And you love me too
Your thoughts are just for me
You set my spirit free
I'm happy that you do
The book of life is brief
And once a page is read
All but love is read
That is my belief
And yes I know
How lonely life can be
The shadows follow me
And the night won't set me free
But I don't let evening get me down
Now that you're around me
- Jan 03 Fri 2014 13:13
2014 2015 左永安顧問 安永經營管理商學院 EMBA 共通核心職能 TTQS 台灣大學 和君人在世間,心是最重要最關鍵的
2014 2015 左永安顧問 安永經營管理商學院 EMBA 共通核心職能 TTQS 台灣大學 和君人在世間,心是最重要最關鍵的
內心不變 一切徒然
2013 左永安顧問 安永經營管理商學院 EMBA 共通核心職能 TTQS 網路家庭董事長詹宏志、Google董事總經理簡立峰董事長張家銘、總經理林志銘、財務長張立 舒羽凡 林東慶 「單身網路交友」商機大,尚凡資訊經營本土最大交友社群網站「愛情公寓」有成,將於6月掛牌上櫃 2013年首季獲利顯現,單季營收8,108萬元,年增20.35%;稅後純益2,465萬元,年增74.75%,增幅遠大於營收,每股稅後純益2.11元。
愛情公寓修成正果 尚凡將上櫃
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【2013/05/14 經濟日報】
- May 15 Wed 2013 00:23
2013 左永安顧問 安永經營管理商學院 EMBA 共通核心職能 TTQS 「愛魅奇iMatchBox」「Date Me Now跟我約會吧」寂寞商機「單身經濟」時代來臨,全台單身人口總數已達950萬人,相關市場規模達5,700億元 寶來集團前總裁白文正之子白介宇 廣達董事長林百里的次子林宇輝
2013 左永安顧問 安永經營管理商學院 EMBA 共通核心職能 TTQS 「愛魅奇iMatchBox」「Date Me Now跟我約會吧」寂寞商機「單身經濟」時代來臨,全台單身人口總數已達950萬人,相關市場規模達5,700億元 寶來集團前總裁白文正之子白介宇 廣達董事長林百里的次子林宇輝
寂寞商機5,700億 富二代搶進 |
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網上婚戀、交友更是新興需求, 企業第二代中的寶來集團前總裁白文正之子白介宇、 廣達董事長林百里的次子林宇輝都看好市場,搶攻網上「寂寞商機」大餅。 主計總處統計,全台15歲以上的單身人口,近四年暴增50萬人以上, 單身人口總數已達950萬人,若以每人年均交友消費支出6萬元估計, 台灣的單身經濟市場規模至少達5,700億元。 尚凡資訊估計,目前上網交友人數約350萬人,不到單身人口總數四成, 隨著手機上網更方便、上網習慣持續成熟,許多工作忙碌、 缺乏其他交友管道的人逐漸投入網路交友,預期上網交友的人數還會成長。 林宇輝離開廣達後,和朋友共同創業成立交友網站「愛魅奇iMatchBox」, 最大的特色是實體連結,與各科技公司合作實體認證與聯誼活動。 林宇輝認為,愛魅奇不會與任何交友網站比較,要走出自己的特色。 白介宇前年接任寶碩科技董事長,以企業的金融資訊系統整合業務為主, 近年來社群網站發展蓬勃,2012年成立「Date Me Now跟我約會吧」網站, 會員也可以發起各式主題實體活動,企圖將寶碩的「B2B」業務, 擴大延伸至「B2C」的服務。 【2013/05/14 經濟日報】
- Dec 17 Mon 2012 23:00
2012 Celine Dion - Because You Loved Me (Official Music Video)
- Nov 17 Sat 2012 00:42
2012 谷村新司 - 風姿花傳(中英文譯)血染征袍透甲紅,當陽誰敢與爭鋒,古來衝陣扶危主,唯有常山趙子龍.
2012 谷村新司 - 風姿花傳(中英文譯)血染征袍透甲紅,當陽誰敢與爭鋒,古來衝陣扶危主,唯有常山趙子龍.
悲切之風正吹泣著 訴不盡的人間悲哀
廣闊無盡的星空 靜靜的將它換擁於懷中
敞開你我的胸懷 燃燒那沸騰的熱血
肝膽相照同心同德 彙集成巨大的洪流
那蒼茫的人生如夢一般 所以變幻無常
那未盡的人生總有夢想 所以栩栩如生
啊~ 啊~ 誰也不知曉
啊~ 啊~ 明天的落花有誰知曉
鐵蹄中約定的山盟海誓 立於璀璨的繁花下
杯中酒醉方休 明月下兄弟對杯情長意濃
杯中酒醉方休 明月下兄弟對杯情長意濃
白雪仍然飄落在肩上 如昔日立誓時的桃花
感嘆持守忠信一生 最終卻徒勞無功
人有忠信 才有意義 人有忠信 才能立足
啊~ 啊~ 誰也不知曉
啊~ 啊~ 明天的落花有誰知曉
國破山何在 城滅人盡亡
荒草枯萎了 風依舊悲壯的吹泣著
啊~ 啊~ 有誰能知曉
啊~ 啊~那榮繞在風中的英姿
啊~ 啊~ 唯有那落花傳送著舊歌謠
啊~ 啊~那榮繞在風中的英姿
Shinji Tanimura - The Story of Three Kingdoms
The sorrowful wind is blowing
Telling the endless word of sadness
Under the vast starry nights
Quietly gathering them in my arms
Open up our true hearts
Burn those boiling blood of ours
Heart to heart, mind to mind
Bring our effort with this huge wave of current together
The indistinct life is just like a dream, constantly changing
The remaining of our life still has hopes
So active and unbreakable
Ah~ Ah~ Nobody will ever know
Ah~ Ah~ Who knows the falling flower tomorrow
We vow the agreement surrounded by our horses and those glorious flowers
All brothers drink those wine until it runs out
Under the full moon, our emotions are high
And you have never left, staying here to protect everyone
The falling snow lands on the my shoulders
Remember the vow we made during the peach blossoms season
We fought the rest of our lives
At the end, we didn't fulfill the mission
However, life is meaningful when we own our faith on each other
Ah~ Ah~ Nobody will ever know
Ah~ Ah~ Who knows the falling flower tomorrow
The landscape disappeared when country was invaded
The people were killed when the castle was occupied
Weeds have crumbled, but the wind continue to pass through strongly
Ah~ Ah~ Does anyone know
Ah~ Ah~ The heroic shadow passing through the wind
Ah~ Ah~ Only the old folk songs are still coming through the falling flowers
Ah~ Ah~ The heroic shadow passing through the wind

- Sep 30 Sun 2012 15:16
2012 Akcent ft.Edward-Maya - That's My Name [Official Video] [HD]
- Sep 10 Mon 2012 23:29
2012 Coldplay - Paradise (Peponi) African Style (Piano/Cello Cover) - ThePianoGuys
2012 Coldplay - Paradise (Peponi) African Style (Piano/Cello Cover) - ThePianoGuys
2012 Coldplay - Paradise (Peponi) African Style (Piano/Cello Cover) - ThePianoGuys

- Sep 07 Fri 2012 21:20
2012 Good Or Bad Lyrics:林暐哲 Music:林暐哲 Artist:劉若英+李心潔 Got a phone call from the hospital today
2012 Good Or Bad Lyrics:林暐哲 Music:林暐哲 Artist:劉若英+李心潔 Got a phone call from the hospital today
Good Or Bad
Lyrics:林暐哲 Music:林暐哲 Artist:劉若英+李心潔
Got a phone call from the hospital today
My old friend jerry does not feel so well
All of a sudden he had one ear left to hear
Now the music is playing but no more stereo
Got a phone call from the record company
They have turned me down and used another song
All of sudden I... Fell down on the ground
But I will still believe in me and my music
It's a bad day do you really understand it
You just have to face the fact
It's a bad day but it's just another day
Anything could happen today good or bad
Got a feeling that the world is full of love
But it's moving so fast I think I want to stop
Got a feeling that I should got to the hospital
There's nothing more important than to see my friend
It's a bad day do you really understand it
You just have to face the fact
It's a bad day but it's just another day
Anything could happen today good or bad
Life goes on and on and on
Life goes on when you're gone
It's a bad day do you really understand it
You just have to face the fact
It's a bad day but it's just another day
Anything could happen today good or bad
Anything could happen today good or bad

- Sep 02 Sun 2012 16:09
2012 George Benson - Nothing's Gonna Change (Original)
- Sep 02 Sun 2012 00:19
2012 Michael Bolton - How Am I Supposed To Live Without You
<iframe width="600" height="500" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/YFood_bTOX4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
- Aug 05 Sun 2012 08:12
2102 Love Story- Taylor swift With sub [HD]
- Jul 22 Sun 2012 23:23
2012 Anggun - Snow On The Sahara
2012 Anggun - Snow On The Sahara
Only tell me that you still want me here
When you wander off out there
To those hills of dust and hard winds that blow
In that dry white ocean alone
Lost out in the desert
You are lost out in the desert
To stand with you in a ring of fire
I'll forget the days gone by
I'll protect your body and guard your soul
From mirages in your sight
Lost out in the desert
If your hopes scatter like the dust across your track
I'll be the moon that shines on your path
The sun may blind our eyes, I'll pray the skies above
For snow to fall on the Sahara
If that's the only place where you can leave your doubts
I'll hold you up, and be your way out
And if we burn away, I'll pray the skies above
For snow to fall on the Sahara
Just a wish and I will cover your shoulders
With veils of silk and gold
When the shadows come and darken your heart
Leaving you with regrets so cold
Lost out in the desert
If your hopes scatter like the dust across your track
I'll be the moon that shines on your path
The sun may blind our eyes, I'll pray the skies above
For snow to fall on the Sahara
If that's the only place where you can leave your doubts
I'll hold you up, and be your way out
And if we burn away, I'll pray the skies above
For snow to fall on the Sahara
For snow to fall on the Sahara (x3)

- Jul 21 Sat 2012 00:25
2012 Gregorian-Lady in Red Red is the color of love and blood
2012 Gregorian-Lady in Red Red is the color of love and blood

- Jul 14 Sat 2012 01:22
2012 Savage Garden - Truly Madly Deeply [HQ/HD]我指望於一個新的開始一個生存的理由,一個更深的意義
2012 Savage Garden - Truly Madly Deeply [HQ/HD]我指望於一個新的開始一個生存的理由,一個更深的意義
2012 Savage Garden - Truly Madly Deeply [HQ/HD]
I'll be your dream、I'll be your wish
I'll be your fantasy、I'll be your hope
I'll be your love、be everything that you need
我會是你的愛、你所需要的一切 I love you more with every breath
Truly madly deeply do..
I will be strong、I will be faithful
'Cos I'm counting on a new beginning
a reason for living、a deeper meaning 每一次呼吸之後,我就更愛你一點真誠、瘋狂而深深的愛著你
因為我指望於一個新的開始一個生存的理由,一個更深的意義 *I want to stand with you on a mountain
I want to bathe with you in the sea
I want to lay like this forever
Until the sky falls down on me
And when the stars are shining brightly in the velvet sky
I'll make a wish send it to heaven
Then make you want to cry the tears of joy for all the pleasure and the certainty
That we're surrounded by the comfort and protection of the highest power In lonely hours、the tears devour you( * )
然後,讓你不由得流下喜悅的淚水,為那所有的歡愉與必然,我倆被幸福所圍繞 ,被最偉大的力量保護著
Oh can't you see it baby?
You don't have to close your eyes
'Cos it's standing right before you
All that you need will surely come...
張貼者: 安永歐洲經營學院 左記歐洲商行 於 上午4:35
以電子郵件傳送這篇文章BlogThis!分享至 Twitter分享至 Facebook
標籤: 只想聽音樂
- Jul 06 Fri 2012 22:11
2012 Hold Me For A While - A LOVE SONG...MY LOVE SWEET Halte mich für eine Weile
2012 Hold Me For A While - A LOVE SONG...MY LOVE SWEET Halte mich für eine Weile
Hold, hold me for a while.
I know this won't last forever.
So hold, hold me tonight,
before the morning takes you away.
Hold, hold me for a while.
I know this won't last forever.
So hold, hold me tonight,
before the morning takes you away.
What's that sparkle in your eyes?
Is it tears that I see?
Oh tomorrow you are gone,
so tomorrow I'm alone.
Short moments of time
we have left to share our love.
Hold, hold me for a while.
I know this won't last forever.
So hold, hold me tonight,
before the morning takes you away.
We're in eachothers armes.
Soon we're miles apart.
Can you imagine how I'll miss,
your touch and your kiss?
Short moments of time
we have left to share our love.
Hold, hold me for a while.
Hold, hold me now,
from dusk all night to dawn.
Save, save me now,
a short moment of time.
Hold, hold me for a while.
I know this won't last forever.
So hold, hold me tonight,
before the morning takes you away,
takes you away.
(Halte mich für eine Weile)
Halte, halte mich für eine Weile.
Ich weiß, das wird nicht für immer andauern.
Also halte, halte mich heute Nacht,
bevor Dich der Morgen mitnimmt.
Halte, halte mich für eine Weile.
Ich weiß, das wird nicht für immer andauern.
Also halte, halte mich heute Nacht,
bevor Dich der Morgen mitnimmt.
Was ist das Funkeln in Deinen Augen?
Sind das Tränen, die ich da sehe?
Oh, morgen bist Du gegangen,
Also bin ich morgen allein.
Kurze Momente der Zeit haben wir verlassen,
um unsere Liebe zu teilen.
Halte, halte mich für eine Weile.
Ich weiß, das wird nicht für immer andauern.
Also halte, halte mich heute Nacht,
bevor Dich der Morgen mitnimmt.
Wir liegen uns ins den Armen.
Bald sind wir meilenweit getrennt.
Kannst du Dir vorstellen,
wie sehr ich es vermissen werde?
Deine Berührung und Dein kuss?
Kurze Momente der Zeit haben wir verlassen,
um unsere Liebe zu teilen.
Halte, halte mich für eine Weile.
Halte, halte mich jetzt.
Von der Dämmerung bis zum Morgenrot,
die ganze Nacht.
Beschütze, beschütze mich jetzt,
einen kurzen Moment der Zeit.
Halte, halte mich für eine Weile.
Ich weiß, das wird nicht für immer andauern.
Also halte, halte mich heute Nacht,
bevor Dich der Morgen mitnimmt,
der Morgen mitnimmt.

- Jul 03 Tue 2012 01:49
2012 It's Okay - Nell (It's Okay - 넬) MV
- Jul 02 Mon 2012 14:13
2012 Yuri Chika - I Cry