朱成志 發表時間:2011/3/3
Every day a small ant arrives at work very early and starts work immediately. 每天,小螞蟻很早來上工,並且一來就開始做事。
She produces a lot was happy. 她的生產力很高,並且工作愉快。
The Chief a lion was surprised to see that the ant was working without supervision. 身為老闆的獅子,非常驚奇螞蟻能自行工作而不須監督。 He thought if the ant can produce so much without supervision wouldn’t she produce even more if she had a supervisor! 他認為在沒有監督下的螞蟻生產力是如此的好,如果有人監督的話她的生產力應該會更好才對!
So he recruited a cockroach who had extensive experience as supervisor and who was famous for writing excellent reports. 因此他招募了有豐富經驗的蟑螂作為監督員,蟑螂以擅長撰寫優良報告而聞名。
The cockroach’s first decision was to set up a clocking in attendance system. 蟑螂的第一個決定是設立了打卡計時系統。
He also needed a secretary to help him write and type his reports and … 他也需要一個秘書幫助他繕寫和鍵入報告和……
... he recruited a spider who managed the archives and monitored all phone calls. 他招募了蜘蛛,負責管理檔案和監管所有電話。
The lion was delighted with the cockroachs reports and asked him to produce graphs to describe production rates and to analyse trends so that he could use them for presentations at Board‘s meetings. 獅子對蟑螂的報告非常高興並要求他用圖表描述生產率和分析趨勢變化,因而他能在董事會上用這些資料來報告。
So the cockroach had to buy a new computer and a laser printer and ... 因此蟑螂必須買一臺新的電腦和雷射印表機和…
... recruited a fly to manage the IT department. .. 並招募蒼蠅來管理資訊部門。
The ant who had once been so productive and relaxed hated this new plethora of paperwork and meetings which used up most of her time…! 曾經是很有生產力和輕鬆的螞蟻,恨透了這些耗盡她大多數時間的過多文書作業和會議…!
The lion came to the conclusion that it was high time to nominate a person in charge of the department where the ant worked. 獅子做出結論這是提名螞蟻工作部門負責人的時候了。
The position was given to the cicada whose first decision was to buy a carpet and an ergonomic chair for his office. 這個位置被賦予給了蟬,蟬的第一個決定是為他的辦公室買一張地毯和一把符合人體工學的椅子。
The new person in charge the cicada also needed a computer and a personal assistant who he brought from his previous department to help him prepare a Work and Budget Control Strategic Optimisation Plan … 新的人負責,蟬,也需要一部電腦和一位從他原先部門帶來的個人助理,來幫助他準備工作和預算控制策略優化計劃…
The Department where the ant works is now a sad place where nobody laughs anymore and everybody has become upset... 螞蟻工作的部門現在是一個哀傷的地方,不再有人會笑,而且大家變得抓狂…
It was at that time that the cicada convinced the boss the lion of the absolute necessity to start a climatic study of the environment . 就是那時蟬說服獅子上司,強調要開始進行組織氣候調查的绝對必要性。 Having reviewed the charges for running the ant’s department the lion found out that the production was much less than before. 在審查了螞蟻的部門運作費用後,獅子發現生產力比以前大幅減少。
So he recruited the owl a prestigious and renowned consultant to carry out an audit and suggest solutions. 所以他招募了貓頭鷹,一位有名望和顯耀的顧問來執行稽核工作並建議解決之道。
The owl spent three months in the department and came up with an enormous report in several volumes that concluded : “ The department is overstaffed ...” 貓頭鷹在部門待了三個月並且產生了一份有數冊之多的巨大的報告,結論是:「部門成員人數過多…」
Guess who the lion fires first? 猜猜獅子首先解雇誰?
The ant of course because she “showed lack of motivation and had a negative attitude. 當然,是螞蟻,因為她「顯現出缺乏做事的動機並且態度消極」。
最後螞蟻用蟻語透過天上的雲連結Facebook呼叫北非的同胞 利比亞的螞蟻弟兄準備拿來炸油管的炸彈就這麼優先拿來扁獅子 這時螞蟻的口號是 搶錢 搶糧 搶母獅(因為有獅奶可以喝所以免被扁) 火蟻的名號就這麼的得來的~~~
The characters in this fable are fictitious; any resemblance to real people or facts within the Corporation is pure coincidence… 這個寓言裡的人物是虛擬的; 若與公司內部任何的人物或情事雷同係純屬巧合…