2011 左永安顧問 EMBA HRD TTQS 共通核心職能 美國Adage觀察雜誌經營是否數位化以「雜誌的數位IQ」做了排行榜第一名是《時代週刊》,第二是《時人雜誌》,第三則是《Self》以類型來看,以男女性話題及健康、生活為主的雜誌最有數位IQ
'Digital IQ' in Ranking of 87 Titles
美國Adage觀察雜誌經營是否數位化,甚至經營者對於數位化的敏感度到底有多高。 最近他們刊登了一篇文章,以「雜誌的數位IQ」做了排行榜。 第一名是《時代週刊》,第二是《時人雜誌》,第三則是《Self》, 另外包含Men’s Health、Sports Illustrated等都榜上有名。而從前十名看來, 時代雜誌集團有4本刊物上榜,而一直為人津津樂道的
Lively Twitter Feed, Numerous Apps and Robust Facebook Page
Among Factors that Led Think Tank to Name Mag a Digital 'Genius'
Time took top honors in a new ranking of 87 magazines' digital intelligence from a New York University Stern School of Business professor, Scott Galloway, and his think tank, L2. Time scored a "digital IQ" of 140 -- "genius" level -- in the ranking, which is meant to reflect the quality of magazines' websites, digital marketing, social-media efforts and mobile presences. Time was cited for a Twitter feed with personality, subscriptions that bundle print with digital access on the iPad and online, a robust Facebook page, a range of apps for various devices and a drive to try new things. The rest of the top 10 all scored in the "gifted" range, the most common classification, from No. 2 People to No. 10 Cosmopolitan. Seven magazines at the bottom of the list were branded "feeble": Traditional Home, Muscle & Fitness, Elle Decor, Star, Men's Journal, Town & Country and In Touch Weekly. Different magazines, of course, have different priorities. In Touch, for example, revolves around newsstand sales, putting less stock in magazines' traditional subscription strategy, which relies so heavily on advertisers' whims and efforts online, where ad rates are so much lower than in print. Magazines with more money and resources, perhaps not surprisingly, seemed to score best for digital intelligence. "In aggregate, brands that belong to a larger parent company perform better than those associated with a smaller publication house or independent venture," L2 wrote. "Companies that manage 10 or more brands register an average Digital IQ 11% higher than their smaller counterparts." But large print circulations don't necessarily mean much for digital traction. "There is a weak relationship between a magazine's circulation and its number of Facebook likes or Twitter followers," L2 said. And the more fans a magazine has on Facebook, the more trouble it has keeping a good proportion of them actively engaged. "While much of the conversation regarding Facebook has been about the size of an organization's page, we believe that a more important metric is the percentage of the community interacting with brand content," L2 wrote. "Across magazines, interaction rates were negatively correlated with page size."
Source: L2
Notes: Scores reflect the effectiveness of the brand's site; its marketing efforts, off-site brand presence and visibility on search engines; its social media brand presence, community size, content and influence; and its compatibility and marketing on smartphones and other mobile devices
.Time Magazine Has Highest康泰那仕德(Conde Nast) 有3本。 以類型來看,以男女性話題及健康、生活為主的雜誌最有數位IQ。
- Jul 29 Fri 2011 19:28
2011 左永安顧問 EMBA HRD TTQS 共通核心職能 美國Adage觀察雜誌經營是否數位化以「雜誌的數位IQ」做了排行榜第一名是《時代週刊》,第二是《時人雜誌》,第三則是《Self》以類型來看,以男女性話題及健康、生活為主的雜誌最有數位IQ